Reflections while celebrating another trip around the sun ☀️


🌟 Reflecting on a whirlwind of a year as I celebrate another trip around the sun! 🎂✨ Gratitude fills my heart as I look back on the milestones, challenges conquered, and dreams chased in the past 365 days. I've challenged myself to step out of my comfort zone, embracing new opportunities and experiences with open arms.

Looking back to last May, my quilting career was in a bit of a precarious place. My employer had lost the desire to keep their business open and rumors it was going to close were rampant. I had built so many relationships with the NYC quilting community over the last almost decade and I couldn’t imagine not seeing them each day!

It was my loving husband who first suggested maybe it was time to open my own quilt shop. It seemed like such a gamble! With all the other quilt shops in NYC having failed, I was unsure if I would be able to make an NYC Quilt Shop work. I had never done anything of this magnitude before. My husband believed in me and it was his belief that inspired me to take the dive.

I could never have anticipated the outpouring of love that everyone has shown my little shop - It’s brought me to tears more than once. It inspired me (and the best person ever to be able to do this with - Genie) to keep improving the space - cramming more and more goodies into every inch of space. I’ve never worked so hard at something - from sunrise to way past sunset each day but at the same time - I’ve never felt so fulfilled and proud of what was accomplished. I see no end to all the dreams I want to accomplish with the shop and cannot wait for what’s to come over the next 365 days. Thank you for being a part of my journey. I couldn’t ask for a better group of people to spend my days with - teaching, longarming for, helping pick out fabrics with, troubleshooting troubles, and getting to help achieve their quilty dreams.

🌈 As I blow out the candles and make a wish for the year ahead, I carry with me the lessons learned and memories made. Here's to another year of growth, laughter, and endless possibilities! Thank you to everyone who has been a part of my journey. Let's make this next trip around the sun the best one yet! 🌟🎈 

Justin & Buster

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